Volunteer Week – Shining a Spotlight on Francesca Pavone

Q.1 How did you become connected to Snowdome? A. I became aware of Snowdome through one of our key business clients, Blake’s Feast catering. They were assisting Snowdome to put together their annual fundraiser the ‘Bloody Good Dinner‘ to raise money for blood cancer and bone marrow failure research. They were seeking charity partners. It … Continued

Volunteer Week – Shining a Spotlight on Kasey Thompson

Kasey Thompson is the co-owner of Blakes Feast . Kasey gives so much of her time and Blakes Feast time and energy to Snowdome.  We are incredibly lucky and grateful to have Kasey as a passionate Snowdome Foundation supporter and Volunteer. Q.1 How did you become connected to Snowdome? A. I lost my Stepmother Enza to … Continued

Volunteer Week – shining a spotlight on Mark Inston

As part of Volunteer Week, we would like to shine a spotlight on Mark Inston. Q1. How did you become connected to Snowdome? A. I am a patient of one of the founders, Miles Prince. Miles introduced me to Snowdome a few years ago. I’ve been working with the Christine and Bruce Wilson Centre for … Continued

Spotlight on Volunteer Pennie Callaghan

This week is Volunteer week. The Snowdome Foundation would not exist without the support of so many generous individuals and organisations that give up their time and valuable resources to help us achieve our mission. We would like to shine a spotlight on a few of our amazing volunteers over the week. We asked all … Continued

John Tandy living a longer better life with Myeloma

John Tandy was an exceptionally busy GP working from early in the morning til late at night until he was diagnosed with myeloma 10 years ago. He noticed a pain in his foot for 6 weeks that hurt every time he stepped on the car accelerator. A CAT scan on a Friday revealed a 7cm … Continued

CAR T-cell therapy saves another life from blood cancer

Another incredible story of CAR T-cell therapy saving an Australian blood cancer patient’s life.  However, the young mum had to travel to the USA for treatment.  To hear her story click here. Snowdome is raising funds to bring CAR T-cell therapy to Australia so people like Gina and Tom and many others, we have heard … Continued

Snowdome Foundation 2018 Annual Review

We are delighted to present the Snowdome Foundation 2018 Annual Review.  The review highlights some of our amazing achievements over the past year as well as paying tribute to our many supporters, donors and pro bono partners who helped make the year a huge success. Thank you for your ongoing support in ‘making hope real’ for Australian blood cancer … Continued

New treatment funded for Acute Lymphocytic Leukaemia

As of 1st May 2019 Inotuzumab (Besponsa) will be available on the PBS for patients with relapsed acute lymphocytic leukaemia (ALL) or refractory CD22 positive B-cell precursor ALL. The treatment costs $120,000 per course but due to funding you will only pay $40.30 or $6.50 (for concession card holders) a course. Acute lymphocytic leukaemia occurs … Continued