The cancer moonshot – unlocking genetic weapons to defeat cancer

In case you did not hear the fascinating and inspiring interview with Miles Prince on ABC Conversations back in January please take some time to tune in now.  As yesterday was clinical trials day it seems apt to bring this interview back into the limelight as it highlights the importance of trials and aiming for … Continued

Call for Translational Research Grant Applications

  The Snowdome Foundation is proud to be partnering with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) to fund two US$600,000 translational research grants. Snowdome’s mission is to accelerate next-generation treatments for Australian blood cancer patients to help them live longer, better lives. To help us achieve our mission, we are co-funding two translational research project … Continued

Establishing a Lymphoma Centre of Research Excellence in Western Australia

On Tuesday April 24th Snowdome held a gala dinner at the Wildflower restaurant, COMO The Treasury to raise funds for a Western Australian Lymphoma Centre of Research Excellence.   The Centre aims to enable lymphoma patients’ access to clinical trials in their home state. Clinical trials are a gateway to next-generation treatments that are often the … Continued

$2.4 million grant awarded to Maddie Riewoldt’s Vision

Congratulations to our collaborative partner Maddie Riewoldt’s Vision with the announcement today that the Government will provide a $2.4 million grant to fund a world first research centre for Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes and a co-funded International Research Fellowship opportunity with the Victorian Cancer Agency. This is a momentous occasion and we are so proud … Continued

The Myeloma and Related Diseases Registry

  The MRDR is an Australian and New Zealand Registry that collects information on patients with multiple myeloma (MM), monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), plasma cell leukaemia and plasmacytoma, in order to improve the care of individuals with these diseases. The registry is a partnership with participating hospitals and is administered through Monash University. … Continued

Funding Women in Haematology through the ‘Bloody Good Dinner’

On May 23rd 2018, the Snowdome Foundation and Maddie Riewoldt’s Vision will once again host the ‘Bloody Good Dinner’. The ‘Bloody Good Dinner’ was established to fund breakthroughs in discovering new treatments for Bone Marrow Failure and Blood Cancers. One hundred percent of the profits will go directly towards this cause. This year we are … Continued

It’s all for the patients

This is a wonderful story of how Snowdome is making a difference to patients’ lives right now. Snowdome in collaboration with the Epworth Medical Centre is funding research into a novel way of diagnosing and assessing blood cancers in order to individualise treatment for patients. Currently diagnosis and assessment of blood cancer progression relies on … Continued

Snowdome is excited to be setting sail

Snowdome is excited to be setting sail in the right direction. Snowdome supporter Warwick Sherman, who is personally connected to blood cancer and has been a part of the Snowdome community for many years, will be raising the Snowdome profile offshore. Warwick and his crew are competing in several races, including the impressive Sydney to … Continued