At this morning’s media launch to announce there will be a ballot system for the highly sought-after reservations at the re-located Fat Duck restaurant at Crown, world-famous chef Heston Blumenthal also announced he has chosen the Snowdome Foundation as one of the three Australian charities he will be supporting while in Australia. Needless to say, … Continued
September 18 approaches and it will be three years since my sister Andrea was diagnosed with Diffuse Large B cell lymphoma (stage 4). Andrea was 42 at the time, a partner, a mother of two boys, a daughter, sister, aunty, cousin and friend to many. This was not part of her story or ours but … Continued
“Prepare yourselves for the worst and hope for the best”. These words still echo from Dr Henry Eckhart, the Royal Children’s Hospital senior Haematologist and his team, Dr Keith Waters and Dr Karen Tiedemann as they presented two young and somewhat naïve parents with their son Benjamin’s diagnosis, Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (or the beast as … Continued
On Wednesday 15 October from 12.30 – 1.30pm, Snowdome will hold the second ‘Great Shake-Up’ virtual fundraising event. This unique event is streamed live into meeting rooms enabling corporate/business Australia to attend an important fundraising event without having to leave their office. Last year 125 company boardrooms participated, raising $1.3 million. Over 2,500 people tuned … Continued
We are delighted to report that Dr Jake Shortt (pictured second from left with Snowdome CEO, Miriam Dexter, the Hon. David Davis and Snowdome Director, Nicky Long) has been awarded the Eva and Les Erdi / Snowdome Foundation Fellowship for New Targets in Haematological Malignancies. The announcement was made recently at a Victorian Cancer Agency … Continued
Reviewing the diary of Gayle’s lymphoma now in its fifth year, I am reminded of the huge range of emotions both from the patient’s and the carer’s experience. Shock and surprise were first, when Gayle was first diagnosed with Lymphoma in the brain although she was one of the most active and vital 65 year … Continued
The inaugural Snowdome Foundation’s ‘Great Shake-Up’ was held in August 2013. It was the first-ever virtual fundraising event held in Australia. Click here to view 2013 highlights video. The ‘Great Shake-Up’ 2013 delivered significant results: Raised $1.3 million from registration and subsequent donations 125 businesses participated 2,500 people learned about the urgent need for blood cancer … Continued
Click here to watch highlights of the ‘Great Shake-Up’ 2013. Save the date for 2014! Slot it into your diary – 12.30pm on Wednesday 15 October 2014 – to participate in our live webcast & interactive fundraising event.