Supporting Women in Lymphoma – “You can’t be what you can’t see”*

Despite how far society has advanced towards equal rights for women, women are still under-represented in medical leadership roles.  Prof Judith Trotman highlighted this concern in 2017, when she noted that female representation accounted for 42 per cent of the Haematology Society of Australia and New Zealand membership, yet only 7 per cent of all … Continued

Fellowships provide our Australian researchers with time to do what they do best – Research

For the first time, the Snowdome Foundation pivoted its annual Blood Sweat and Tears of Joy educational event from face-to-face to virtual.  This increased access and participation, enabling involvement from speakers in the USA, Western Australia, Victoria, South Australia and New South Wales!  The event showcased the extraordinary depth of blood cancer research and clinician … Continued

Paying tribute to Tom Long

Beck Long shared Tom’s journey with myeloma on The Morning Show to highlight the importance of funding research into blood cancers. The interview is heartfelt and highlights that perhaps the outcome for Tom would have been different if he was able to access new treatments in Australia. Aussie actor Tom Long lost his long battle … Continued

Welcoming our new CEO Kirstee Macbeth

The Snowdome Foundation is delighted to announce the appointment of Kirstee Macbeth as CEO. Snowdome Chairman John Salvaris said: “Kirstee is an exceptional leader. Her track record in building, growing and transforming businesses across the world has been extraordinary.” Kirstee has a collaborative leadership style and is known for bringing the right people together to … Continued

Prof Miles Prince AM provides a COVID 19 update

After living with the corona virus for 9 months what have we learned about the impact of the corona virus on people with a blood cancer? Prof Prince discusses this as well as what we can expect in terms of a third wave of infections and a potential vaccine.

Blood Cancer Awareness Month

The month of September is dedicated to raising awareness for blood cancers. It is alarming that every 36 minutes another Australian will be diagnosed with a blood cancer. In fact, new data just released indicates that the incidence is increasing with a predicted 17,000 new cases in 2020. This makes all blood cancers combined the … Continued

Australia funds new treatments for blood cancer

Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) and small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL) As of September 1st 2020, patients with relapsed/refractory CLL and SLL considered unsuitable for treatment or retreatment with a purine analogue (a chemotherapy agent) will have access to acalabrutinib. One of the criteria for purine analogue ineligibility is the presence of ‘del17p’ which is a genomic … Continued

FDA approves 6 new blood cancer treatments in the last 3 months

Since June 2020 the FDA has approved 6 new blood cancer treatments and expanded the use of an already available treatment. Sadly none are approved for use in Australia yet. This highlights how important it is that we continue to fund research through clinical trials to provide access to next generation treatments ahead of Australian … Continued

CAR-T cell therapy clinical trials provide more hope for lymphoma and leukaemia patients

Dr Michael Dickinson is the Lead of the Aggressive Lymphoma disease group within Clinical Haematology at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and Royal Melbourne Hospital. Michael has been instrumental in treating patients with chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR-T) cell therapy nationally. As Snowdome supported Michael for several years as the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Clinician Researcher … Continued