Creating hope for Western Australian blood cancer patients

Dinner of Hope 2021
Clinical trials are a pathway to hope for blood cancer patients. Trials provide access to next generation treatments when everything else has failed your body. However, clinical trials require human infrastructure that doesn’t exist in the ‘normal’ hospital setting. A clinical research fellow is required to identify trials that meet individual patients’ needs. It takes time and the care of a team to ensure each patient understands what is involved in a trial, the treatment pathway, the appointments and all the monitoring. Trials offer hope, extend lives, and give life.
Renee Zuks is forever grateful that clinical trials were available in Perth through Blood Cancer Research WA. Her mum, Rita had exhausted all treatment options when she was referred to Prof Chan Cheah. Renee was able to share the news of her first pregnancy with her mum because a clinical trial kept her alive. When that treatment failed her body, another trial enabled Rita to keep on living to experience the joy of having grandchildren. In total Rita participated in six clinical trials, each one enabling her family to bank treasured memories. First day at school, first visit from the tooth fairy, birthdays, festive holidays and so many of the things we take for granted until we risk never sharing them again.
On Thursday 6th May the WA Dinner of Hope was held in the Postal Hall, State Buildings, Perth. There was not a dry eye left in the stunning venue as Renee thanked the generous donors and Prof Cheah for keeping her beautiful mum alive for an extra four and a half years. Gregory Hunt also shared how clinical trials have enabled him to access to new treatments, giving his life hope. Under the expert eye of Prof Cheah, Gregory is confident in his treatment plan and expressed his gratitude to the wonderful team he places his trust in.
The 100 distinguished guests at the WA Dinner of Hope responded. They understand that by funding clinical research fellows and clinical research nurses they are buying more than a head count. They are buying WA blood cancer patients hope, they are buying them more time.
In total an incredible $300,000 was raised enabling more Western Australian blood cancer patients to access clinical trials. Thank you to everyone that donated to bring this hope to life. Special thanks to all the generous pro bono supporters and partners that donated time and goods to make the evening such a great success. Lastly, we extend our sincere gratitude to Michela and Adrian Fini for hosting another memorable evening.