Snowdome ranked in the top 500 high growth companies in Asia-Pacific

We are very proud to announce that the Snowdome Foundation has earned a place in the High-Growth Companies Asia-Pacific 2021 ranking. The ranking assesses millions of companies from 13 countries and Snowdome made it into the top 500 fastest-growing companies in the region. Only 71 companies from Australia made into the top 500 and we were one of them. In fact, this is the third year in a row that Snowdome has been ranked in the top 500 fastest growing companies in Asia- Pacific. We could not be prouder.
This could not have been achieved without your donations, pro bono services, advice and general support. More importantly this growth translates into more research for blood cancer treatments. Over the last decade, Snowdome has granted $33 million in multi-year blood cancer research projects. Last year was our largest granting year awarding $5.8 million into cutting edge blood cancer research. We are going from strength to strength.