Christine and Bruce Wilson Centre on the World Stage
Just like every snowflake Snowdome Foundation is unique. We are the only organisation that is exclusively focused on funding blood cancer research to help Australian patients live a longer, better life. We are extremely proud of the work being conducted at the Christine and Bruce Wilson Centre for Lymphoma Genomics at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre not only because it is groundbreaking but because it really is having an impact on blood cancer patients’ lives right now.
Dr Piers Blombery, Vision Super-Snowdome Foundation Fellow, just presented some of this work at the prestigious American Society of Haematology Meeting which attracts over 20,000 participants. Piers and fellow researchers have identified a gene mutation in patients who become resistant to venetoclax, a discovery which can be used to identify those at-risk of relapse and help improve outcomes from the breakthrough blood cancer therapy. The discovery is so important the work was presented at the Late Breaking Session, an honour only a few Australians have had bestowed upon them!
The research is supported by the Snowdome Foundation, Christine and Bruce Wilson Centre for Lymphoma Genomics and Vision Super.
You can read more about the discovery here