Snowdome welcomes Charlotte to the Executive Team

As Snowdome gathers momentum and more donors are interested in helping make a difference to Australian blood cancer patients’ lives, so too does our need for bigger and better events. Snowdome is delighted to welcome Charlotte Barnaby to the team as Events Manager. Charlotte loves organising events and providing people with amazing experiences. So when the opportunity to work with Snowdome came about, she jumped at it.
Charlotte will be responsible for helping pull together our fabulous ‘Bloody Good Dinner’ that is held in collaboration with Maddie Riewoldt’s Vision. Charlotte has already started working on the event for next year and it is shaping up to be another unforgettable evening.
Each year Snowdome also hosts a number of intimate donor events. These provide our generous donors with an opportunity to hear from Snowdome researchers on the breakthroughs they are obtaining in their quest to cure blood cancer.
Charlotte has a wealth of experience in events management and has most recently been working with the Gladiators Football Club. Charlotte also coordinates the famous Sorrento Sailing Couta Boat Club Summer Drinks party each year. Charlotte is an active member of the sailing club, volunteering her time to run summer activities such as the Women on Water program and assisting with the Tidings Magazine and website.
Although it is hard to imagine that she has any spare time, but when she does Charlotte loves to go to the beach, catching up with friends, watching her children play sport and cooking. After volunteering at the 2018 ‘Bloody Good Dinner’, Charlotte was looking for an opportunity to join the Snowdome family. She felt so inspired by the people who attended the event, the speakers, the professionalism of Snowdome and the volunteers.
“The Snowdome team are an incredible group of people and I feel so privileged to be part of the group and make a difference to blood cancer patients.”