The Gunn Family Fellowship

In an Australian first, a female only fellowship specifically directed at Haematology career development in medical research, is being offered. The Snowdome Foundation and Maddie Riewoldt’s Vision are passionate about supporting the advancement of women in medical research and are funding this fellowship together with the support of the Gunn Family.
Women have well documented barriers to successfully attaining career aspirations for senior positions in medical research. This inaugural fellowship aims to reduce these barriers by offering a long- term commitment to funding, combined with a Mentorship program that will be spearheaded by some of Australia’s best medical, research and business women.
Total package up to $130,000 per annum (depending on level of experience) for 2 years, with a further performance based 1 year option.
The opportunity and program descriptions, eligibility criteria and timelines can be accessed in the Gunn Family Fellowship Information document.
All interested parties should complete the Gunn Family Fellowship Application template and, along with all supporting documents, compile into a single pdf and save as SDMRVGunnFellow2018_[Surname] and submit electronically to
Please contact with any queries.
- Advertising of applications open – 15 June 2018
- Applications close – 5.00pm 27 July 2018
- Interviews of short list begin – 13 August 2018
- Decision announced – End of September 2018
- Position to commence – February 2019