Shaking things up again in 2015

Our annual ‘Great Shake-Up‘ virtual event is fast approaching and we would love your support and involvement again in 2015 to help us raise $1million for blood cancer research.
Streaming live from AFL Media at 12pm on Thursday 8 October, the one hour event will be jam-packed with interactive, informative and educational pieces to help communicate the urgent need for treatments for Australian blood cancer patients. It is our one major fundraiser for the year and there are many ways to get involved. Click on the image below to watch the video invitation.
Did you know? The ‘Great Shake-Up’ is Australia’s only virtual event that you don’t have to leave your office for!
The one-hour broadcast is web-streamed LIVE to your office meeting room or home. Win prizes, donate and/or bid in our online auction while you watch the live event from the comfort of your boardroom or home. Some of the auction items up for grabs are FRONT ROW seats at Elton John’s upcoming December concert, a Superhero MOVIEWORLD experience for the whole family, an hour’s footy clinic with 3 AFL stars (Nick & Jack Riewoldt & Brendan Goddard) AND a MasterChef set visit and dinner ! Go to to see all items up for auction and help Snowdome raise $1million for blood cancer research.
Meet the experts! Consultant haematologists and researchers Associate Professor Mark Dawson and Professor Miles Prince are at the forefront of epigenetics research and the effective ways that epigenetic therapy can treat aggressive blood cancers. Meet more experts and hear more stories on our live panel during the ‘Great Shake-Up’ 2015.
Get involved! It’s the perfect opportunity to learn more about blood cancers and the urgent need to raise funds for treatments.
To find out more, go to our Events page to register, Like our Facebook page or join the social media conversation on Twitter – #shakingthingsup.