Snowdome Foundation 2012/13 Annual Report
To view our 2012/13 Annual Report, click here.
Since 2010, Snowdome has been working hard to raise funds and direct them towards achieving our mission: to accelerate new treatments for Australian blood cancer patients to help them live longer, better lives.
At the end of the 2012/13 financial year, we had secured and directed $3,800,000. With these funds, we have made available critical infrastructure for eight clinical trials which have already delivered new treatments to 127 Australian blood cancer patients. These trials will eventually recruit a total of 375 people and are estimated to reach full participation by 2018. This is just the start of where we want to head.
2014 started spectacularly well for the Snowdome Foundation. A generous donation as well as a successful grant has increased our total funds raised and committed funds to $6.1million.
If you would like a copy of our 2012/13 Annual Report please email